Anyone reading this week's edition of the AJN will be wondering if he/she didn't mistakenly pick up a copy of the "Australian Gayish News". Why?
Because there are no less than 9 items(!) about the AJN’s current sweethearts – the homosexuals (or to use the full label - “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transvestites”).
Yes – 9, including the ENTIRE front page, an editorial (where naturally blame for the killings in Tel Aviv is insinuated upon the ‘ultra-orthodox’)...

...a couple of repeat letters from the usual Torah-hating, gay-loving, single-issue-obsessed letter-writers (see top right) and of course a Kron cartoon.
Additionally, editor Ashley Browne in his blog uses the gay killings to assail the Hamodia newspaper. (That's the second time in 4 weeks that the Hamodia has been attacked in the AJN. Looks like this upstart weekly a biting deeply into the AJN’s sales and advertising revenue.)
The world according to Hamodia:
no gays, no murder
The shooting attack in a gay community centre in Tel Aviv on Saturday night that killed two people is creating a huge stir in Israel.
This should come as no surprise. Disregarding the Orthodox population, Israel is one of the more gay-friendly countries in the world and you don’t have to spend too much time in the more vibrant sections of Tel Aviv to become aware of a strong and tolerant gay culture.
AJN columnist Haviv Rettig Gur updated his Facebook status yesterday to say that the shooting was “a reminder that when the peace process with the Arabs ends, there are some culture wars to be won inside our country.”
The Israeli media is all over this story - as is the world media - with one notable exception. According to the Jerusalem Post, the Orthodox newspaper Hamodia, has pulled the bedsheet over its head, closed its eyes, blocked its ears and is pretending that the story did not happen.
That’s right. No gays. No murder.
And yes, this is the same newspaper that a section of the Australian Jewish community believes should become our community’s paper of record.
Just like Browne and Bersten, we too have no idea who the TA gays killer is. But there is as much a chance - in fact far greater - that it was another homosexual (jealous lover's tiff, maybe) as it being the work of an 'ultra-orthodox'. But that shouldn't and doesn't hold back Browne from taking an opportunity to smear frum Jews.
And we would advise Ashley to leave the Hamodia alone. They know EXACTLY what they are doing and understand the audience that they are catering to. The last thing their readers are interested in is what is happening in Tel Aviv snakepits of dreck and perversion.
At the time that you struggle to fill a few miserly pages of your paper with anything newsworthy – thus sinking to a new low with 9 items extolling and supporting TA homosexuals, the Hamodia (even the fledgling Australian edition) carries 4 or 5 times as much Israeli, world and Jewish news and features as does the AJN. In fact, the only half-decent reporting one finds in the Jewish News are the articles that you copy and paste from the Jerusalem Post. Sadly for you, even that is a waste of time and newsprint. Anyone who is interested has already read these on the JPost.com website. People no longer wait a week to read your “plagiarism”.
Your comment that “Israel is one of the more gay-friendly countries in the world and you don’t have to spend too much time in the more vibrant sections of Tel Aviv to become aware of a strong and tolerant gay culture” indeed nauseates, depresses and disgusts not only Hamodia readers, but all decent, civilized and moral people - of all religious beliefs. Your pride and delight that Israel has become a world-leader in depravity and debasement says much about you and your publication.
As for Ian Bersten's repetitive attacks on the Torah and his predictable idiotic comments again proves that this man is a total ignoramus as well as an apikorus (if an ignoramus can qualify for this title.)
Tolerance and respect are two-way streets. No-one can demand respect for their religious beliefs (of any stripe) and culture whilst vilifying and denigrating others for their sexual orientation or for not confirming to the first person's beliefs. The alternative to mutual tolerance and respect is writ large in history.
ReplyDeleteI have difficulty believing that comments are moderated given the rather vicious and and hate-mongering attitude of the above. You should be careful to ensure that such pieces do not breach Australian equal opportunity laws.
ReplyDeleteIan Bersten - brilliantly said!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous - I understand you being worked up about people blaming the attacks on a group which you seem to strongly identify with. It can indeed be frustrating and upsetting when someone passes judgement on you which you yourself see as anything but the truth. What I find sad about your perspective is that you have a place in your heart that you reserve for hate, judgement and the rejection of other souls. What is also sad is that it seems that your religion (which I really know nothing about other than what i have gathered from reading your post) also reserves such a place in its outlook. Imagine if every single person on this earth was kind, accepting and loving of every other person. I do not mean it in a corny way. Im not talking about world peace and other such popular Miss Universe topics.. But if every single person you came into contact with accepted you and loved you just as you were. Not 'even' but 'especially' for your 'weaknesses' or 'flaws'. If you felt safe enough to show your true self no matter who you were around and know that even if you acted foolishly or less than perfectly they would just look at you with love in their soul and smile to themselves at your beautiful human-ness. Wouldnt you feel wonderful? Shouldnt that be wonderful for everyone in this world, really? To never feel as though they have to justify, prove, impress or even try in order to be accepted and loved. Or is it more important to you to judge, to look down from your high place.. to point out the flaws of others in contrast to the brilliance of yourself? This judgement and view of others and other groups as being so different to your own self is what creates the fear, insecurity and anger in your heart. After all, if we are all good and bad in different ways then, well i guess you have to try to climb up pretty high on that ladder of goodness to merely be able to live with your own self from day to day.
Really.. think about your g*d. Not the one you have learnt about and been trained to believe things of.. but the one who takes care of the most vulnerable and insecure parts of you. The one who forgives you and loves you even for having so much judgement and hate in your heart. The one who loves you FOR those reasons, because he knows you need it more than others. Do you think that g*d rejects anyone? Do you think he judges anyones actions? I promise you he doesnt. I promise you that he looks on each one of his 6 billion children (regardless of what name they know him by) and wants ONLY for them each to be happy and to love one another. G*d is not the parent that pressures their child to become a doctor simply because they think its what should be done. G*d is the parent that wishes only for their child to be happy and safe regardless of what they choose in life. That lets their child know that no matter what they do they are still wonderful and will still be loved, accepted and supported. G*d is the parent who knows that by doing this they will raise a child with a heart so full of love that they will be able to bring joy and warmth to the lives of all they meet. THAT is g*d... THAT is love... and if your studies of religion havent taught you that then you should ask them why they dont accept YOU and love you just as you are... because you know, you deserve it too....
name. Can you pls tell us in 1000 words or less what you want to say? (Just kidding. 100 words or less is what I meant)
ReplyDeleteI could but it would probably be deleted. The loving way always seems to take a bit more talkin ;)
Here's some sensible comment from on eof the Charedi world's top journalists
ReplyDeleteHaredim and Homophobia by Jonathan Rosenblum
Jerusalem Post August 21, 2009
Haredim think that the media shows a persistent and blatant bias in its coverage of the community. They are right.
For proof one need look no further than the coverage of the grisly July 23 attack on a counseling center for teenage homosexuals in Tel Aviv, which left two dead and more than a dozen others injured, three critically.
Before the blood had even been wiped from the floor, the media was rife with the presumption of haredi culpability. Some were quick to assume that the perpetrator was himself haredi. A moment's reflection should have made clear how unlikely that was.
For one thing, murder is not a haredi thing, as Anshel Pfeffer noted in Ha'aretz. Second, despite Israel's large Orthodox population, there is no history of religious Jews seeking out homosexuals and attacking them. Finally, the venue of the counseling center was not public knowledge, and would have been unlikely to be known to any haredi.
Western media, in general, and the Israeli media, in particular, avoid pegging ethnic labels on the perpetrators of crimes, unless, of course, they are haredim or settlers. After 9/11, for instance, then Secretary of State Colin Powell was quick to admonish against identifying the hijackers as Muslims, rather than by the generic term "terrorists."
Consider this absurdity, then. Even after the arrest of ten suspects for last Sunday's brutal lynching, the Israeli press and radio scrupulously refrained from blaring headlines identifying the principal assailants as Arabs. Yet after the attack on the teen center, the media engaged in wild speculation about the religious identity of those responsible even prior to the culprit being caught.
Even those who did not jump to the conclusion that the murderer himself was haredi were quick to assign blame to haredi politicians for "incitement" against homosexuals. Just hours after the shooting, homosexual activist Danny Zak declared, "The Shas party has the blood of two innocent kids on their hands." Rachel Metz wrote in these pages, "Regardless of whom the killer turns out to be, . . . such violence was a perhaps inevitable response to the incitement by several haredi leaders over the years." Meretz MK Nitzan Horowitz, the Knesset's only openly homosexual member, attributed the murders "to the incitement of entire communities against us."
Again, such accusations are logically absurd. How is it possible to attribute the murderer's motivation to the remarks of any politician, no matter how ugly or stupid, until his identity is known? How much more so if the perpetrator was an "insider" at the counseling center, as now appears likely.
THE LOOSE CHARGES OF "INCITEMENT" brought us back to the worst days after the assassination of Prime Minister Rabin, when "incitement" was brandished as a tool to delegitimize the entire national religious community and silence all critics of the Olso process.
Continued - next comment
ReplyDeleteIn screaming "homophobia," homosexual political activists have lifted a tactic from the Islamists' playbook. The latter have demonstrated just how effective a tool the charge of "Islamophobia" can be. Public officials are intimidated from mentioning pertinent facts that relate to the threat of radical Islam. After Scotland Yard uncovered a plot to blow up ten planes over the Atlantic, it announced only that the plotters were of southeastern Asian ancestry and English-born, but not their jihadist motivation. And when Canadian Mounties arrested a group planning to bomb parliament and behead the prime minister, they described the plotters as drawn from a broad cross-section of society, while neglecting to mention they were all Muslims.
Human rights commissions in Canada and elsewhere have taken on the mandate of censoring anything any Moslem finds to be offensive. Author Mark Steyn and his publisher MacCleans were dragged before the Ontario Human Rights Commission and found to be "racist Islamophobes" for an article by Steyn detailing the Moslem demographic takeover of Europe. Yet no Muslim cleric in Canada has been convicted by the same commissions for calling for the murder and subjugation of Jews and other infidels.
Even quoting from the Koran can land you in hot water, as Dutch politician Geert Wilders found out after screening his movie Fitna, based primarily on Koranic quotes. An Australian human rights commission fined two Christian preachers for quoting from the Koran.
Homophobia is used in the same fashion. One Christian preacher in Western Canada was banned by a provincial human rights commission for quoting Leviticus's characterization of male homosexual acts as "an abomination." And quoting the Biblical prohibition can run one afoul of many university speech codes.
Homosexual activists have not yet resorted to the threat of murderous violence against those who challenge their views, but they can get pretty nasty. A teenage beauty contestant in California, who expressed the unremarkable view that marriage should be limited to a man and woman, was not only publicly humiliated by one of the judges but subjected to weeks of vituperation.
Ubiquitous charges of "homophobia" are too often used to stifle public debate. And political correctness masquerades as science. When the board of American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its classification of mental disorders in 1973, its decision had nothing to do with new scientific or mental evidence. The letter to members urging support for the board's decision was written and paid for by the National Gay Task Force.
And the APA's recent advisory to therapists not to tell clients that it is possible to change their orientation through therapy was not based on evidence that such therapy does not work, only the absence of proof that it does. Not one therapist who practices reorientation therapy was on the panel, whose advisory flew in the face of a 2001 study by Columbia Professor of Psychiatry Dr. Robert Spitzer of 200 men and women, which showed that "contrary to conventional wisdom, some highly motivated individuals . . . can make substantial change in multiple indicators of sexual orientation."
Homosexual activists would have us believe that homosexual orientation is inevitable – i.e., genetically determined, immmutable, and that it is wrong to counsel those seeking to overcome same sex attractions. As therapist Shlomo Zalman Jessel writes, "[I]f Bill tells me that he is attracted to his neighbor Fred's young child and he wants to reduce those attractions, I . . . can try to help him. If Bill has an unwanted attraction to Fred's wife, this too I am permitted to help him with. But if Bill has an unwanted attraction to Fred, then it's regarded as unethical for me to help."
Part 3
ReplyDeleteEach element of the homosexual activists' catechicsm can and should be debated before society puts its imprimatur on homosexual behavior as no different than heterosexual. There is no "homosexual gene" -- at most a genetic predisposition. Even in identical twins, raised in the same environment and sharing the same genes, in 50% of the cases where one twin is homosexual the other is not. Many highly motivated individuals, including some religious Jews, who struggle with same sex attractions have overcome them – often with therapy -- to form loving, happy marriages.
Even if they still experience some same sex attraction does that mean they are less fulfilled for overcoming them? Don't we all experience unbidden sexual impulses from time to time? And don't most of us rejoice when we control them?
The contemporary world has degraded the very definition of humanity by urging upon us fulfillment in the form of submission to every desire. The ancients had it right it teaching that we most fully realize ourselves as human beings by giving conscious shape to our lives through choosing to do certain acts and refrain from others.
I just noticed that Barnett from those noisy Jewish homos at Aleph are using this blog as proof that "there is an all too uncomfortable, somewhat sinister, undercurrent of intolerance of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) people within certain sections of the Australian Jewish community. This has been evidenced by individuals and organisations publishing hateful and vilifying material against GLBT people"
ReplyDeletesee http://jccv.aleph.org.au/
All I can say is thank you AJN Watch for being there for us 'normals'
'Normals'? Too much protest makes me very suspicious. Too many voices sound like they are coming from behind the doors of a closet!
ReplyDeleteIs "noisy Jewish homos" a term of endearment?
ReplyDeleteThe NJH "noisy Jewish homos" should be the acronym for a new lobby group!
ReplyDeleteDear AJN Watch, please refer to the recent JCCV media release arising from their May 3 plenum meeting. My comments from it are here. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteHey Mikey, What the heck are you doing here on this blog. This same blog that you slag off against time anad again on your pathetic site, but obviously can't stay away from.
ReplyDeleteThe readers here are not the slightest interested in you and your your queer mates. And the sooner the JCCV realises that indeed 90% of the community is uninterested and probably against any interaction with them at all the better.
Mikey stay with your blog - which presumably hasn't got a dozen readers - and leave ajnwatch to concentrate on interesting issues
Well said Marc
ReplyDeleteGo away Mikey and stop boring us
'Normals'? Too many voices sound like they are coming from behind the doors of a closet!