Thursday, July 21, 2011

A few bits and pieces from this week's issues of the AJN

Well, well, well. Who would've thunk it?

After all the warring going on between MP Michael Danby and the editor of the Jewish News, look who made it to the cover this week. Could it be a sign of remorse and repentence for past behaviour? We hope so - but aren't very confident.

Nobody will deny that Rabbi Meir Shlomo Kluwgant is hard-working and very active in many fields. But "senior" rabbi!? Isn't he a bit young for that tag? Or is it like our policemen who seem to be getting younger, so too are our 'senior rabbis'?

This letter to the editor had us a bit puzzled.
"Congratulations to the RCV for taking a stance on the issue of non-kosher and poor-quality mezuzos being sold in Judaica shops".

"Congratulations"!? Isn't this what they are all about? In fact some may ask - what took them so long? These passul Mezuzos have been floating around for many years.

The writer continues: "It is therefore encouraging to see our local rabbinate finally taking a stand on this very important issue."

"Finally". Our point exactly.


We also checked out our free issue of the Sydney edition and noticed the  following two advertisements:

So now along with advertising chazir treif and mechalel Shabbat establishments, the AJN is promoting Xmas.

But it's not ALL chazir-treif. Read about this new Sydney 'minhag' -après-funeral Kosher catering!


  1. The writer continues: "It is therefore encouraging to see our local rabbinate finally taking a stand on this very important issue."

    "Finally". Our point exactly.!

    AJN Watch, why don't you see the good and give Rav Glasman some credit where credit is due. We all know this is long overdue but at least he had the guts to come out and address the problem.

    Hopefully now even the big judaica shop(s) will start to lift their game.

  2. I would say, to the contrary. ajnwatch is making the point that it is no great honor to be congratulating the rabbis for doing their job. and when using teh word 'finally' it seems to show that this matter has until now been neglected

  3. actually it would have been better for the rabbis not to have done anything. many think that its misleading (if not outright negligent) for them to endorse shops when they have no clue as to the kashrus of the mezizos that these shops sell


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