How about it?
AJN WATCH - the on-line voice of Australian Orthodox Jewry observes and comments on matters of interest to that community. We particularly monitor prejudice and monopolistic abuse of influence in the pages of the Australian Jewish News - the main source of information to and about Australian Jewry. We spotlight errors, expose misrepresentations and vigorously advocate our community's positions.
Dear Chaverim,
Many of you may have received an invitation for an Gala Luncheon under the auspices of the Australia Israel Cultural Exchange Ltd which is taking place at The Westin in Martin Place, Sydney on Thurs 3rd Dec.
Having already been tipped off that treife food was to be served at this event, I rang the RSVP number and spoke to someone by the name of Sarah (not Jewish). Feigning ignorance, I inquired whether the event was kosher. Her response was "no but we can see what we can do about arranging kosher food for you". I said that will not be necessary as I could not in all conscience attend a function such as this where non-kosher food was being served and consumed. Her response, interestingly, was to say "we have had a couple of similar responses along those lines (good!) and, having now received yours, I will ask Melinda (the RSVP addressee) to contact the organisers to register these comments.
May I respectfully urge all chaverim who have received an invitation to this event to respond, preferably by phoning the RSVP number 9389-8988, on similar lines. Even if you have not received an invitation, you may be moved to ring that number and object that a (nominally at least) Jewish organisation is holding a public treife function. Maybe the organisers will start to get the message.
BeVirkat Kol Tuv
Kol Tuv
Rabbi Chaim Ingram
Honorary Secretary
And here is a letter to the AJN editor, which reiterates our long-standing criticism of the AJN’s resident page-2 smut-peddler Adrian Kamien.
Maybe its time for more Rebbetzen’s should join the campaign to cleanse that newspaper of its filth.)
And another published letter reflecting our recent comments re AJN’s hypocritical Kashrut concerns.
Sydney kosher kitchen goes halal
October 15, 2009
SYDNEY, Australia (JTA) – A Lubavitch-run kosher community kitchen gained halal certification.
Our Big Kitchen in Sydney, run by the Yeshiva Center, received halal certification Wednesday night in the presence of New South Wales Premier Nathan Rees, who learned to make challah during his visit.
The kitchen has been used to help feed those in need, as well as for emergency service.
“It is fantastic to see people of all faiths working together to further the important charitable work of Our Big Kitchen,” said Rabbi Eli Feldman of Sydney's Young Chabad. “With both kosher and halal certification, Our Big Kitchen can service all segments of the Australian community."
Halal is the Muslim designation for food that is permissible to eat. Sophie Abuta, a Palestinian Australian whose husband donated all the tiles for the kitchen, said she hoped the kitchen would help Jews and Palestinians “cook our way to peace.”Ikebal Patel, the chairman of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, was also in attendance along with Rabbi Pinchus Feldman, the spiritual leader of Chabad in New South Wales, and the heads of the kashrut and halal certification boards.
The kitchen was founded by Brooklyn-born Rabbi Dovid Slavin in 2007 and has been visited by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, Governor-General Quentin Bryce and numerous other dignitaries.
A Jewish lawyer currently based in Shanghai has been selected by President Obama as the new U.S. ambassador to New Zealand and Samoa.David Huebner is openly gay and is reported as being the general counsel for the Gay and Lesbian Alliance against Discrimination. If Huebner’s selection is confirmed by the U.S. Senate, he will become the third gay ambassador in U.S. history and will mark another notch in Obama’s election promise belt.AJNWatch comment: Tells us a lot about Obama's priorities. G-d help America.
Head of the New Zealand Jewish Council Stephen Goodman told J-Wire: “If his election is approved we welcome him to New Zealand. Auckland has an openly gay reform rabbi who is American and has a New Zealander as a partner.”AJNWatch comment: Goodman seems mighty proud of his "openly gay reform rabbi".Looks like he has nothing much else to show off about.
"...I am dealing with being one of the first women rabbis in Sydney,” explains Jacqueline Ninio, 39, associate rabbi at Temple Emanuel in Sydney, Australia; her father is Turkish-Egyptian, her mother is an Australian Jew-by-choice..."http://tinyurl.com/yf7kdg8